Alleviating Back Pain with Specialized Physiotherapy

Alleviating Back Pain with Specialized Physiotherapy

Understanding Back Pain:

Back pain can arise from various factors, including poor posture, injury, overuse, or underlying health conditions. It's crucial to understand the cause of your back pain to tailor the most effective treatment plan. Our physiotherapists are experts in diagnosing and managing back pain, employing a holistic approach to care.

The Role of Physiotherapy in Managing Back Pain:

  1. Personalized Assessment: Every individual's back pain is unique. Our physiotherapists begin with a comprehensive assessment to understand your specific condition and needs.
  2. Pain Management Techniques: We utilize a range of techniques, including manual therapy, exercise, and modalities like heat or cold therapy, to reduce pain and inflammation.
  3. Strengthening and Flexibility Exercises: Building strength in the back and core muscles, along with improving flexibility, is key to managing back pain and preventing future episodes.
  4. Posture Correction and Ergonomic Advice: Correcting posture and making ergonomic adjustments in your daily activities can significantly reduce strain on your back.
  5. Education and Prevention: Our team provides valuable education on back health, offering strategies to prevent back pain from recurring, ensuring long-term wellness.

Union Health and Performance’s Approach:

Our approach to treating back pain is centered around personalized, evidence-based care. We believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve optimal spinal health and improve their overall quality of life.


Back pain doesn't have to limit your life. With the right physiotherapy approach, relief is within reach. At Union Health and Performance in Squamish, we're committed to helping you overcome back pain and return to the activities you love. Contact us today to start your journey to a pain-free back.

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Union Health & Performance is dedicated to your well-being in Squamish, offering a unique blend of physical rehabilitation and performance coaching to support an active, healthy, and pain-free lifestyle. Our team of licensed professionals is committed to personalized care and excellent results. Discover a holistic approach to health that bridges the gap between therapy and peak performance. Connect with us today to start your journey toward optimal health and vitality.



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