Expert Physiotherapy for Skiing and Snowboarding Injuries

Expert Physiotherapy for Skiing and Snowboarding Injuries

Getting Back on the Slopes: Tailored Physiotherapy for Winter Sports Enthusiasts

Common Skiing and Snowboarding Injuries:

Injuries from skiing and snowboarding can range from minor sprains and bruises to more severe conditions like fractures, ACL tears, and concussions. Understanding these common injuries is the first step in developing an effective rehabilitation plan.

The Role of Physiotherapy in Recovery:

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailored to address the specific injuries and needs of each skier or snowboarder, focusing on pain relief, healing, and strength rebuilding.
  • Advanced Rehabilitation Techniques: Utilizing a combination of manual therapy, exercise therapy, and modalities like ultrasound or electrical stimulation to accelerate the healing process.
  • Mobility and Flexibility Exercises: Essential for restoring range of motion and flexibility, reducing the risk of future injuries.
  • Strength and Conditioning: Targeted exercises to strengthen the muscles used in skiing and snowboarding, ensuring a safe return to the sport.
  • Education and Preventative Strategies: Providing advice on proper techniques, equipment use, and conditioning exercises to prevent injuries.

Why Choose Union Health and Performance?

Our team of experienced physiotherapists understands the unique demands of skiing and snowboarding. We offer comprehensive care that not only addresses your current injuries but also equips you with the knowledge and tools for injury prevention, ensuring you enjoy many more seasons on the slopes.

Beyond Rehabilitation:

Performance Enhancement: Once recovery is underway, our focus shifts towards optimizing your performance for skiing and snowboarding. We integrate sport-specific drills and techniques to not only ensure you return to the slopes but also improve your agility, balance, and coordination. This proactive approach helps in minimizing the risk of re-injury and maximizes your enjoyment and success in winter sports.


Skiing and snowboarding injuries require specialized care for effective recovery. At Union Health and Performance in Squamish, our physiotherapy services are designed to get you back to your favorite winter sports safely and confidently. Contact us today to start your rehabilitation journey and ensure you're ready for the slopes.

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Union Health & Performance is dedicated to your well-being in Squamish, offering a unique blend of physical rehabilitation and performance coaching to support an active, healthy, and pain-free lifestyle. Our team of licensed professionals is committed to personalized care and excellent results. Discover a holistic approach to health that bridges the gap between therapy and peak performance. Connect with us today to start your journey toward optimal health and vitality.



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